
Mindset Monday - 050420

Posted by Max Lucas on May 04 2020 at 06:47AM PDT


Mindset Monday, May 4th 2020
It’s easy to get down (depressed) and hard to stay positive all the time. It’s easy to get caught up in how many things are going wrong, and hard to focus on the things that are going right. I struggle with this a lot. I haven’t been working out a lot, I haven’t been eating right, I haven’t been very productive. These things are all true for me right now.

But, I have been connecting with my best friends and having a blast playing games together. I have been staying at home and am fortunate to be healthy and safe. I was able to find a job and can get by for now. These things are also true.

All of these things are true for me, and my point is you get to choose what you focus on. If I focus on all of the negative stuff, it usually makes me feel bad about myself and like I’m a loser. If I focus on the positive stuff, it makes me smile thinking about the good times I’ve had this past week and grateful for being healthy. When I focus on the negative stuff, it makes me not want to do anything. When I focus on the positive stuff, it makes me realize that I have an opportunity today to work on all of the things that I haven’t been doing, like working out and eating healthy consistently. I realize that today is a new day, and if I focus on one thing at a time, I can get all of my stickers today. I have time after work to workout. After I workout, I can stretch for 10 minutes. After I stretch, I can make and eat a healthy dinner. After I do that, I can clean my room and fold all of my clean laundry that I’ve been avoiding for a few days. After I do that, I can relax and play games with my friends. And after I do that, I can go to sleep at a decent hour and get 9 hours of sleep. Realizing that I can do all of those things today makes me feel a whole lot better.

So that’s today’s mindset monday. Don’t focus on what you haven’t been doing. Leave the past in the past. Today is a new day, and you have the opportunity and the choice to make it a good day. Take one thing at a time. Find the fun. Flip that switch and BE A FREAKING SHAAARRRRRRKKKK!

Week 3 Sticker Sheets are UP! It’s attached to the bottom of this post. Get those ducks!

Team dryland warm-up, about 10 each

  • Calf stretch
  • Knee hug
  • Quad stretch
  • Single leg RDL
  • Frankensteins
  • Open the gates
  • Close the gates
  • Lunge and reach
  • Heel/toe stretch
  • Arm circles
  • Dynamic squat stretch
  • Horizontal arm circles

It’s wonderful outside today! A great day for RUNNING! (Let’s be real, you knew it was gonna happen eventually…) Grab a parent or sibling for this workout to enjoy the weather together!

If you have been running already:
Run for 10 minutes at a challenging pace

If you have not been running:
5 rounds
Run for 1 minute at an easy to moderate pace
Rest for 0:30 – 1:00 depending on how much rest you need

If you have not been running, do NOT sprint or run hard! It’s the same as swimming: if we were back in the pool for the first time today, it would not be smart to do a hard sprint set. Doing sprints multiple times on the first day back when you have been “out of shape” is a really easy way to get injured.

3 rounds for time:
Run for 2 minutes at a moderate pace
5 squat jumps (as high as you can)
10 push-ups
15 air squats

After you finish the 3rd (last) round, do one final run for 2 minutes at a moderate pace to finish the workout.

For the push-ups, you can do knee push-ups if regular ones are too challenging, or you can do a smaller number of regular push-ups (5, etc) if your form is PERFECT and you are going all the way down (your chest should touch the ground). If regular push-ups are too easy, you can do military/tricep push-ups, hand-release push-ups, or diamond push-ups.

100 walking lunges (1,2)

(1,2) means do 100 total, or 50 on each leg. FORM IS VERY IMPORTANT (as always) so make sure you are doing these correctly! See the video below for guidance. If you are doing these on concrete or pavement, your knee does not have to touch the ground (because ouch), but try to get it close to it. If you have been working out consistently and 100 isn’t that bad, try 200!

Stretch for 10 minutes



Air Squats

Walking Lunges


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