

Jr Championship Meet Cancelled/Postponed

Posted by Great Mills Aquatic Club on Mar 11 2020 at 05:42PM PDT

Unfortunately, the Jr. Championship meet scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled. MD swimming has indicated they will try to reschedule.

“Dear Athletes, Coaches, Officials, and Parents,

Maryland Swimming has spent the day reviewing options for upcoming meets in light of the Coronavirus situation. The Board has received communication from USA Swimming and has reviewed the CDC and WHO recommendations.

University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) has notified us that the swim meet (“the first site”) scheduled for this weekend cannot be held. The campus is shut down; thus, the Junior Championship Meet at UMBC cannot be held. Subsequently, Maryland Swimming has decided to postpone the second site, St. Mary’s College, for this weekend as well. Maryland Swimming and the hosting teams will reschedule these meets, if possible. Loyola is also closed to swim meets.

Additionally, the other meets scheduled for March (11 and over B Champs; 9-10 B Champs; and, 8y Champs) will be reviewed on a week-to-week basis. Maryland Swimming will communicate with host teams as decisions are made and as more information comes forth regarding the Coronavirus.

Maryland Swimming wishes the situation were different, and we feel for the athletes who have worked hard to make the Championship meet. We are sorry.


Anna Summerfield
General Chair, Maryland Swimming"


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