
Workout of the Day - 32720

Posted by Max Lucas on Mar 27 2020 at 08:49AM PDT

Remember, today is fun sock friday! Rock your fun socks for this workout!

Choice warm-up for 10 minutes

For time:
Jumping jacks

Do 50 jumping jacks, then 50 sit-ups. Then 40 and 40, 30 and 30, 20 and 20, 10 and 10.
Coach Max’s time: 9:55. Try to beat it!

3 sets, rest as needed between
12 air squats immediately into 8 squat jumps for height*

Either do these outside or make sure you don’t jump through the ceiling. Or hit a light fixture. Or a ceiling fan that is on. Etc.

Stretch for 10 minutes

Stay home. Strengthen your immune system as much as you can. Get quality sleep every night. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Eat as little artificial sugar as possible. Reduce stress as much you can (meditate, have fun, and BE NICE TO YOUR SIBLINGS AND PARENTS!) Check out yesterday’s post for more information on your immune system and how to strengthen it. And check in on your teammates! Make sure they are doing okay.


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